Saturday, December 4, 2010

Teman Bermain: more Masks and the Dragon game

This was our last day to play and draw together at Rusunawa Sanata Dharma, Paingan. In the next day, the kids will go home, but some of them are moved to Maguwoharjo Stadium. We brought the ready-to-draw masks for them, more coloring/drawing stuff and the colorful papers too! The activities were flexible that day: anyone can draw/color in their papers, draw their masks, and play in random order. 

By the way, there were new lil friends! In the first session, they're not well-informed about Teman Bermain presence at the refugee camp, or they were going somewhere with their parents out from the camp. There were 17 primary schoolers and 14 toddlers.

We used the Dragon (Ular Naga) game in the end of every sessions to make the kids queuing for their goodies (pencils/coloring books/snack, or anything). The 'Ular Naga' song can be switched with 'Kereta Api'.

So that's wrap for Rusunawa Sanata Dharma Paingan :) Most of the kids were already back to their rooms when we took this picture. Since it was the last night they're there, Teman Bermain prepared goody bags of drawing books, pencil, erasers, crayon/coloring pencils for each kids. Hopefully they can enjoy making artworks from now on :)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Teman Bermain: Masks and the ABC Caterpillar

Oke, jadi sebenarnya paket ini datang pada pagi hari di sesi pertama Teman Bermain di Rusunawa Sanata Dharma Paingan... Ada berboks-boks krayon, pensil warna, pensil tulis, penghapus dan segepok buku gambar :D Tapi kok ada kardus indomi dan peralatan masak juga? Teman Bermain jadi gak berani dulu untuk pakai barang-barang ini...Tapi setelah konfirmasi sana-sini, ternyata benar ini kiriman dari Youth Bless Nation, dan ransum makanan + peralatan masaknya itu adalah titipan untuk salah satu posko yang nantinya akan mengambil paketnya di basecamp kami ini. Wow! Terimakasih :D

Okay, so these package arrived in the morning at the first session of Taman Bermain in Rusunawa Sanata Dharma, Paingan...There are boxes of crayons, coloring pencils, erasers, and a pile of drawing books :D But why were there also few boxes of instant noodles and kitchen utensils? That's why Teman Bermain didn't use these equipments at first...After it's confirmed, this is a donation from Youth Bless Nation, and the food supply + utensils are for a camp in Gunung Kidul, whose people will pick the package soon at our base camp. Wow! Thanks :)

Lalu di malam harinya, kami kok tiba-tiba kepengen banget ngajak temen-temen kecil kita itu untuk menggambar topeng bersama. Setelah beli delapan karton tebal dan iseng buat sampel topeng, keisengan ini berbuah menjadi 85 topeng polos yang siap diwarnai :)

In the night before, we were thinking of drawing on masks. Then we bought eight thick cardboards and made one mask sample, but then it grew into 85 ready-to-draw-on masks :)

 Dan horeeee teman-teman ternyata senang sekali menggambar dan mewarnai topeng :) walaupun pertama agak bingung gimana menggambar mata, hidung dan mulut, kakak-kakak pendamping lalu ikut nggambar juga, jadi langsung asik deh semuanya :) Oh ya, kali ini ada teman baru, namanya Andi. Di beberapa sesi lalu Andi ikut orangtuanya pergi terus, jadi Teman Bermain belum pernah ketemu Andi di posko UKDW. Halo, Andi! :)

And yaaaaaayyyy cuz our lil friends were so happy to draw and color their masks :) Even though they're a bit confused about how to draw eyes, nose and lips, our Teman Bermain friends then also draw their masks, then everybody started enjoying their activities :) Oh there was a new friend, Andi. In our previous sessions, Andi always follow his parents when they're off from camp, so Teman Bermain haven't met Andi before in UKDW. Hello, Andi! :)

Semuanya asik gambar topeng :)
Everybody enjoys drawing their masks :)

Here are Siska and Dian's masks:

And this one is Bella's :

Ada lagi satu teman kecil yang masih playgroup, namanya Dora (Aurora sebenernya, tapi dia maunya dipanggil Dora karena suka Dora the Explorer). Dora mau mewarnai di kertas yang biasa dibawa Teman Bermain, lalu teman-teman yang udah selesai gambar topeng juga ikutan mewarnai.

There's another lil friend which is still in playgroup, Dora (it's Aurora, actually, but she insisted to be called Dora since she likes 'Dora the Explorer' very much). Dora wanted to draw in the drawing papers Teman Bermain usually bring, then our lil friends who finished their masks also wants to color.

So here's Andi's mask:

Yang ini Feri....sayangnya Rian lagi sakit demam, jadi kali ini Rian gak ikut menggambar topeng...cepat sembuh ya Rian :)

And this one is Feri's...Too bad Rian was cold, so Rian didn't join our activities at that time...Get well coon, Rian :)

This is Vera:

Setelah beberapa kali pertemuan, temen-temen udah mulai akrab dengan Teman Bermain, jadi kami menggambar/mewarnai sambil ngobrol-ngobrol dan cerita-cerita....Ternyata, Bella suka membuat puisi lho! Puisinya bagus-baguuuss!! Ini salah satu puisinya, tentang almarhum Pak Gesang :)

After few sessions, our lil friends are getting used with Teman Bermain, so we draw/color and share stories together....Then we found out that Bella likes to make poetry! Her poetry are good!! This is one of hers, about the deceased Mr. Gesang :)

Tadaaa!!! Semua sudah selesai menggambar dan mewarna, dan udah nempel karyanya di papan. Karena cuaca sangat berangin, kali ini kami tidak menggambar di selasar, tapi di lobi kecil di depan LPPM.

Tadaaaa!! Everyone finished drawing and coloring, and the artworks were hung in the notification board. Because of the windy weather, we didn't use the corridor for our activities and use LPPM's small lobby instead.

Hari ini Teman Bermain juga membawa si Ulat Abjad dari A-Z untuk diwarnai bersama teman-teman. Satu orang bisa mewarnai 2-3 abjad :)

Today, Teman Bermain also bring the Alphabet Caterpillar to be colored together. One person can color 2 to 3 alphabets :)

Bisa lihat gambar hati yang ditulis di papan tulis? Ternyata di pagi hari mereka nulis pengumuman sendiri tentang aktivitas Teman Bermain hari ini...Sekaligus menulis nama-nama mereka yang akan hadir di sesi hari ini :) 

Do you notice the hearts drawn on the white board? In the early morning, our lil friends wrote their own notification about Teman Bermain activity today...And they also wrote down their names on it! Sweet!! :)

Dan hari ini kami sukses pulang jam 7! hore! Biasanya kami selesai jam 6...Setelah selesai kami dan temen2 pun masih asik membongkar-bongkar kardus donasi untuk mereka yang ada beberapa buku cerita di dalamnya. Sampai sekarang mereka gak mau ngambil, karena takut nggak adil dan ada yang iri atau gimana gitu...Hmm solusinya gimana ya :) Kita bisa diskusi di pertemuan berikutnya :) sampai ketemu! :)

And today we finished at 7! hooray! We usually finished at six...And even after the session closed, we still hang out and unpacking donation boxes for our lil friends, n we found some story books inside. Until now, none of them is taking the story book, they're afraid if there's an unfair treat to their friends...Hmm so this is a problem we can discuss in the next session :) see you! :)

And anyone who is interested to donate anything for refugee children, or to help us in children activities in their refugee camps, feel free to contact us at or text/call +62274-9198282 :)